Chairs & Stools Furniture Auctions in TENNESSEE - Live and Online Sales
Chairs & Stools Furniture Auctions in TENNESSEE
Kennedy's Auction Service LLC
Date(s) 4/27/2024 - 5/18/2024
Saturday, May 18 - 10:00 AM (Live & Online Bidding)
15.5% Buyer's Premium. Discounted to 10% for In-House Bidders paying with Cash or Check. All items sold as is/where is with no warranties or guarantees. Read all Terms & Conditions prior to bidding. Please only place bids online if you do not plan on attending the live auction.
UNDREDS OF ITEMS WILL BE SOLD! Check back regularly for updates! NOTICE: There will be a live crowd on auction day as well as online bidding on on some items. The Auctioneer will start each lot at whichever site has the highest starting bid. It is possible for a lot to sell to someone else (Live or Online) for your maximum absentee bid. For instance, if you have left $100 on ... Show More
1. The Auctioneer is acting as an independent contractor only and is not responsible for the acts of its principals or sellers. 2. Persons attending during exhibition, sale or removal of goods assume all risks of damage of or loss to person and property and specifically release and indemnify Top Tier Auctions, the Auctioneer from liability. Neither Top Tier Auctions, the Auctioneer nor his ... Show More
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