Online Only Auction
Auction starts ending Friday 6-7-24 at 7pm est.
Payment / Pickup day FOR MOST Items Saturday 6-8-24 (10am-1pm)
Pickup for OFFSITE Items start week of 6-10-24
This auction will include - Tools, Hardware, Car Parts, Farm, Lawn, Garden & Construction Equipment, Building Supplies, Cars, & Trucks. & Much more! Items will continue to be added until the night before the auction. So Please Check back often! Catalog will change Regularly. Sale order may also change as well. Please Note: Some items are off site and pickup instructions are different for them (They will be marked in their description) Auction starts ending Friday 6-7-24 at 7pm est. Payment / Pickup day FOR MOST Items Saturday 6-8-24 (10am-1pm) Pickup for OFFSITE Items start week of 6-10-24 See terms for more info!! WE ARE TAKING CONSIGNMENTS FOR THIS SALE!! Text for more info 724-415-5444 Thanks for viewing, and Good Luck! MAY24T |